Property Image
A parking lot is the first thing that customers, clients and visitors see of a facility. The color contrast of freshly painted stripes on the pavement is attractive and shows that the property owner emphasizes maintenance.
Maximum Space Utilization
A properly Bend, Oregon striped parking lot will allow the tenant to get the most cars possible into the parking lot.
ADA Guidelines
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) affects every property owner. Regardless of the company size, all businesses must now have the proper amount of handicap accessible parking stalls and required van access parking stalls. We can help customers avoid legal problems by restriping and reconfiguring their parking lots according to ADA guidelines.
Benefits of Pavement Striping
Striping should direct traffic safely around the parking lot. Customers want to enter, park and exit quickly and safely. Crosswalks, stop bars, loading zone markings and no parking fire lane will inform users where they should walk, what direction to drive and where not to park.

Safety & Traffic Flow